With a belch of poisonous greasy black smoke and a horrific atonal organ blast that made birds drop dead out of the trees the GOP's Mighty Wurlitzer is again befouling the land, trampling all good and growing things beneath its cruel iron treads.
Ye Ghods... about an hour ago, it looked like Ron Paul was running away with Iowa. Then it looks like Mittens is going to get it with about 30 percent reporting leaving Paul and Santorum to slug it out for second. Then Santorum squirts back into the lead with almost 50 percent reporting. Interesting thing though is that the three of them are almost within the margin, so frankly no one is running away with it (although Paul's fading a bit).
So there's your three tickets punched... Mittens, Paul and Santorum.
But what about the also-rans? Newt got MittensBoated in the last week, Perry just kept stepping on his own taint in public, PizzaMan was nothing more than just second rate clown act, Bachmann kept trying to make words emit from her piehole and that was just never going to work for her, Buddy who? and John Huntsman was just far too reasonable of an example of the GOP to ever seriously be considered.
And now the Mighty Wurlitzer is churning up fields on the way to New Hampshire and South Carolina with apocalyptic abandon.
Just remember: "What's Past Is Prologue" meaning stand by to stand by; this cheap traveling carnival and medicine show is just getting warmed up. We are now in Act One of what it would like if Jerry Bruckheimer or Michael Bay made political-drama movies.
mojo sends