A fair to middlin' news day today... here's what we're following at the wire...
"Wake Up!"
Obama tells liberals to just "wake up," and give a brother some credit for doing some good stuff.
I do give Obama full marks in some areas and I do realize that Democracy is messy and we don't all get what we want all the time, yer highness. And in the inverse I get to say, I fscking told you so when we see stories like the one in the WaPo this morning detailing how insurance companies are going to start screwing people instead of following the new healthcare law. Thank God, there's no government run option for those folks to turn to... that might have pissed off the right wing cranks in Congress...
Cheap Grifter 4 Senate
Next, Melanie Sloan and the gang at CREW want the U.S. Attorney in Delaware to bring the hammer down on the Tea Party's newest flavor of the week, Christine O'Donnell. Aside from dabbling in the dark-arts and refusing the adulterous joys of self-gratification, apparently the perennial crank candidate from Dover is also an intellectually crippled, low-rent grifter who has been skimming off her war chest for personal funds for a while now...
Even I have to admit, though... throwing around accusations like that among our national political classes seems a bit... I don't know... pointless? Although, given her "freshness" as the face of the Tea Party's new politics, it does give one pause for laughter.
Serious Tea
Then on to more Tea Party hijinks: Comrade Joshua's hive of liberal malcontents have detailed the spending of the Tea Party Express on Tail Gunner Joe Miller's senate campaign to beat Lisa Murkowski. They spent better than a half-million dollars on this nutjob to make him presentable to the Alaskans. And you'll get a kick out of what they were spending it on... here's a hint: the Tea Party express paid $1,500 bucks a head for staffers to take a cruise up the Alaska coast to "campaign for Miller." The new politics, indeed.
And while we're on the subject of the Alaska Senate race, Lisa Murkowski, much like good old Joementum before her, has decided she's not quite done, and is running an independent campaign for Senate in November. If you recall, we didn't give Joementum much of a chance either...
It would be interesting to see if other GOP insitutionalists punked by the Tea Party might not think of doing this...
The Final Solution
Finally, this morning, we have the strange tale of GOP hopeful Jim Russell running for the New York 18th district house seat of Nita Lowey. The Republicans have really jumped the shark on this one. Apparently, young Mr. Russell is a contributor to a quaint little publication entitled -- innocuously enough -- Occidential Quarterly. This rag exists primarily as a really laughable attempt to trowel a thin veneer of academic verisimilitude-fulness over blatantly ignorant racist whingery.
Apparently, our Mr. Russell is a fan of the "Final Solution..." Even a cursory bit of research on this guy would have turned this up. Has the GOP really gone so far down that road that an open racist who believes that eugenics is a key to the salvation of western civilization is really the guy they want carrying their banner in a district held by a long-term moderate liberal democrat?
Wow... where do I send my $20?
mojo sends