I'm voting tea party... and here's why!
Make a bold statement on why you believe that the Tea Party agenda is right for our country... let us all know what you want to do with the country once you take it back!
Yeah, that'll learn 'em... the site's founder has a pretty good take on all this:
Jeremy Kalgreen said the tea party's posters inspired him to create a line of T-shirts that mock the movement.
"I think it's really amusing and fascinating in how they choose to represent themselves," he said, describing his own politics as left-leaning.
The shirts that debuted this week feature sarcastic reasons for joining the tea party. Those range from Obama not nuking Canada to him allowing gays to vote.
Kalgreen holds some strong beliefs about the movement he calls grossly misinformed.
"I don't want anybody who agrees with these shirts to buy them," he said. "My concern was just how to push them into the over-the-top realm so that I won't be feeding the fire."
This is mojowire approved merchandise, y'all! Get over there and show this boy some love!
mojo sends