Hey Rahm, I gotta partner for your adventure in the vacuum of space...
Robert Gibbs, come on down, you're the next contestant on "You're Not Helping, You Asshole!"
Raw Story this morning reports on White House Press Flunky Robert Gibbs as saying we "Crazy Liberal Critics" need to be drug tested...
Here's the nut:
I hear these people saying he’s like George Bush. Those people ought to be drug tested," Gibbs said. "I mean, it’s crazy."
The paper described the president's spokesman as "simmering with anger" and "in furious disbelief" over some of Obama's liberal detractors, from whom he has faced regular criticism for not pushing a progressive agenda more authoritatively.
“They will be satisfied when we have Canadian health care and we’ve eliminated the Pentagon," Gibbs retorted. "That’s not reality.”
Hey numbnuts... any of this sound familiar: off shore oil drilling, corporate welfare, extrajudicial execution of American citizens without due process (in fact, due process is expressly being prohibited in some cases), warrantless wire tapping, TALON...errr... I mean FICOR?
The list gets even longer, but you should be getting the point right about now.
And by the way, I, nor anyone I know, have ever said "He's just like George Bush." However, the continuation of certain Bush/Vader policies, and the discussion of continuing others like the economy-eviscerating tax-cuts is worthy of criticism from those of us on the left under the impression that this Administration wasn't going to do stupid shit like that.
Seriously, criticizing the President's continuation of Bush/Vader policies on the reduction of civil liberties is tantamount to saying we want the Pentagon abolished? Really?
Complaining that the President and the Democrats in Congress caved to political expediency and didn't include even a nominal public option in Health Care Reform is tantamount to saying we want "Canadian health care" (and are you really dumb enough to think that's an insult...)?
Look, I am still down for Obama; frankly he's way better than any version of McJackalope/Caribou Barbie would have ever been on their best day in the best of all multiverses...
But you are dangerously close to alienating the people you are going to need the most in a couple of short months, and moreover, using feeble rhetorical devices like that weak-ass argument from hyperbole makes you and your boy Rahm "F'n, Retarded" Emanuel more suited for a Tea Party rally than the reasoned discourse we were all counting on from this administration.
You guys need to check your bearing.
Look, I'm an ideologue, but I'm also a pragmatist. I get that I am pushing for a particular set of views, but I also understand that I don't always get my way. I don't mind that not everything has not played out specifically the way I wished, but that doesn't mean I am going to stop agitating... that's how American Democracy works, Bobby.
But when the people I support start openly disrespecting me and my opinions, then you are going to catch one in the neck... rhetorically speaking, of course...
In the immortal words of M.C. Hawking: "Don't test! Because the Hawkman will wreck your shit!"
mojo sends