Seriously, did anyone know Orly Taitz was running for the GOP Secretary of State slot? OMFG... where do send my $20.00.
Allegedly the birther queen...what? You don't know what "birthers" are? go read this, then come back, we'll wait...
So, the Queen of the Birthers is trying to mainstream with the help of the TeaBaggers. This is priceless. Just take a look at her website with all the great type faces on display and the unique spelling choices for many of our favorite standard English words.
Even the California Republican Assembly -- the crazy right wing of the crazy right wing -- want nothing to do with crazy-ass fruit bat. If you visit her site, make sure to check out the "Other Criminal or Suspicious Activities" section...make sure you have an oxygen tank near by in case of laughter induced hypoxia...
Her spittle flecked ranting and the bloviation of her comrades have the unmistakable stink of delusions of persecution, like the guys who would wander in off the desert to the Daily Facts newsroom every now and then to complain about the International Bankers conspiracy or the fact that LAPD Chief Darrell Gates, Dick Cavett and Pres. Bill Clinton were targeting them from space with "Blue and Red Elctro-Grenades."
Really, this is comedy gold... go look in wonder and join us here in fervent prayer that she actually wins the GOP nomination...
mojo sends