Or is this a further example of the heartland's disenchantment with the establishment, left and right?
Seriously, Karl Rove is the king of Republican bagmen, and his little "American Crossroads" project could only bilk ma and pa RedState out of $200 to keep the socialist horde at bay this November?
That's right... $200! Not $200 million, not $20 million, not $2 million, not even $200,000 (which is about what their expenditures are to this point).
Two-hundred bucks... that's it; about the cost of a pair of Karl's shoes...
And this is after Rove and his gang were promising that they were going to absolutely bury targeted districts and states in 527 money from their He-Man-and-the-Master's-of-the-Universe club.
Uh Karl? You're a tad short of the $52 million you're promising to raise for the November general.
Is it possible he's soft pedaling right now; that he's got $15 or $20 million in cashier's checks inside a locked drawer in his office waiting to be sprung after the Dems have been lulled into a laughing sense of security?
Sure... But frankly, if that's the case he's starting to run out of time to get that money together, disburse it and make it count for something.
Democrats don't fear goofy thugs and rubes like Sharron Angle and Rand Paul. They're like second rate Batman villains... and if you can't beat them in a straight up fight, go get the phone number of the truck driving school, because you don't belong in professional Democratic politics... or better yet, go down to the local GOP fortress and volunteer as a ammo hauler there.
However, we do fear Karl's considerable and demonstrated skillz at raking teh phat-ass stax of mad-bank.
Memo to Komrade Karl: what happens when you start being remembered as the face of the establishment as well? This is supposed to be an anti-establishment year, Karl, and I think you may be reaping some of what you have helped sow...
But if this is an honest indication of how his efforts are being received (and I am willing to concede at least the possibility of a possum-play here), not only in the heartland, but also from the big institutional GOP donors, then I think a different narrative will quickly start to assert itself in the months leading up the general election.
mojo sends