Talk about a guy I want to see thrown under the wheels of the Obama Administration bus...
Rahm Emnauel, fake Democrat, political thug and all around asshat; he has got to go!
I am really now just past tired of hearing how Rahm is pulling the President in this direction or that. This is the guy who openly called liberals and progressives in Congress and their supporters "F'n retarded."
He also apparently begged Obama not to go after health care, is rumored to have given the Israeli government the U.S. imprimatur for their disastrous raid of a humanitarian aid flotilla bound for Gaza, as well as being an unrepentant cheerleader of Israeli military policy in the region, has or had a rent-free D.C. crib bought and paid for by British Petroleum bag men, is a closet anti-immigrant activist ...
And now he is the thorn in the side of anything resembling an economic reform package issuing from the West Wing, being the corporate shill that he is...
He is the worst kind of pragmatic politician. He would rather win than take a risk and accomplish something meaningful. Yeah, I get pragmatism; I've spent most of my adult political life as a progressive "celebrating" "moral victories."
It feels good to be in the win column. But frankly, unless we do something more than just desperately cling to our top slot, then what the hell did we do all this for?
mojo sends