Because he regularly goes to Israel to help Palestinians build homes... this is "material support" for a determined terrorist group hostile to the United States, since the areas he helps build in are like Gaza and he mostly has to work with local officials to get stuff done, and that means Hamas.
Now, do I really think Elliot Ness and the Untouchables are going swing by the Circuit Judge's chambers in in the U.S. District Court for the Northern Section of Georgia in Atlanta and get a warrant to frog-march Mr. Peanut away to the big house?
No... not at least under this administration... However, I can foresee this ruling becoming a pretty broad weapon against humanitarian activists who want to help the "wrong" humans, anti-war activists could be subject to prosecution under the Patriot Act for rendering material support... because of the way it's worded, it's an awfully broad net...
Just remember Red State, when we end up in the cell next to you at Gitmo or Bagram or whatever black bag facility they ship us to, we're beating your ass for this and taking your gruel and bread crust!
mojo sends