The Times UK this morning reports that Israel has been granted flyover permission by the Saudis for the specific purpose of attacking Iran.
The article also detail how the Saudis are practicing standing down their air defenses and looking the other way for when the Israeli war planes come... also all being done under the watchful eye of the U.S. State Department.
My worry here is that the Israelis really are planning something big, and frankly, I don't trust that their leaders are sane enough to use simple conventional weapons against potential nuclear research or industrial sites in Iran.
One of the supposed Israeli "red lines" for the use of the "Sampson Option" is the "The exposure of Israeli cities to massive and devastating air attacks or to possible chemical or biological attacks." There's some ambiguity in that phrasing – especially the word "exposure" – when in the context of the Likudniks.
Historians and others with knowledge of Israel's strategic thinking have repeatedly expressed the belief that there are factions of Israelis who think an atomic conflagration is an acceptable risk and that "they are willing to take the rest of the world down with them."
Do I sound a bit alarmist? Yeah, perhaps... but it sure looks like a shaky finger on the trigger to me...
mojo sends